Evening Wildlife Viewing Tour – June 27

Humpback whale

A great evening to be on the water with a full trip of eight guests. Even though our boat comfortably seats twelve passengers we find eight is a much better number for wildlife viewing as no one has to sit in the middle seat.

This evening we stated off by viewing a number of humpback whales in Ripple Passage before we headed wets in search of more wildlife. We found a large group of sea lions hauled out on a remote island as well as plenty of sea birds and a bald eagle nest with a chick in it and parents nearby

On the way back to Port Hardy we saw a lot more eagles, with as may as 15 perched on  rocks at the mouth of one of the passage ways. it was here we also found a number of sea otters in the kelp bds.

To learn more about out tours and to book online visit https://coastalrainforestsafaris.com/ 

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